A tear is shed
For the protector who will never be
A baby lost in an abyss that sings such a
low key
The protector she cry’s for the child she
never knew
Where has she gone? What did she do?
Nothing fills the whole in the protector’s
big eyes
The dream of her child gone, as her baby
A protector with no hope
No story to tell
She feels isolate,
The grave she wishes was for her as well
No child to hold in her hands
No baby to feed at night
No little fingers holding on
No cuddles affectionate and tight
A protector who is now a mother with no baby
She wraps her dreams in bags
Each little bag a story that never got to
be told
And a memory that never got to be had
A protector who is scared she did something
To scared to do it all again
Now the low keys sing their tune
In her mind she fears she will never mend
She waits for the sun to shine again; her
winter has seemed so long
She no longer protects her baby growing,
but protects her hearts sad song.
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